You travel at the seacoast capitals and think that every one has too much women to conquer to love. You think that everything is wonderful, and it's easy to create a harem with a lot of sexy girls, to say a magic word and a beautiful woman is yours in the next weekend.

But the reality of the most of brazilian capitals sadly points to the male hegemony, not only in the North and Center-Ocident regions, but also in the most of the capitals of North West region and in some capitals of the South and South West regions, like Florianópolis and Vitória.

There's less than we think - the cities with female predominance in its populations, and these cities independ to be in the litoral or the interior of Brazil.

In fact, what is confirmed is that the capitals Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Belo Horizonte and Porto Alegre really have more women than men in the population. Recife and Curitiba has an equilibration in men and women population, while Florianópolis, Salvador, Vitória, João Pessoa, Natal, Maceió and Aracaju shows male predominance in the medium proportion of two men to each woman. In São Luís, Teresina and Fortaleza the male proportion is bigger.

The South West region is the one with major contingent of women. The second major region, the South, lose so far from the South West in female predominance, because Florianópolis, a capital of the Santa Catarina state, known as the "germany Salvador", has male predominance for the abbundance of the argentinean immigrant men and also other males came from Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo and the interior of Santa Catarina, making so high the male presence in the birth town of the famous tennis player Gustavo "Guga" Kuerten.

In its turn, the called third region from the major female presence in Brazil, the North West, in true has the inverse proportion, being so near the male hegemony registred in the North region.

As we see, in the name of the tourism market, facts were distorted to seduce the men outside Bahia, but it give them the frustration when they start to live in the pretending "paradisiacal" Salvador. And the thing presented as "paradisiacal" turns to be, simply, depressive.

