Os miolos do idiota   IDIOTICE

Família que favorece o filho mais forte em prejuízo do mais fraco não é Família.

é como

Governo que tira aos pobres para dar aos ricos.







This young lady "just a few years older then me"
ask me a question. It puzzle- me how a lady at
that age, decided for that kind of question; but
I never was shy to explain my views at any
subject even the ones  I felt not to be appropriate
middling in.
	She ask directly: are you pro abortion or
pro life?
	It was a surprise question and I had to
reflect a few seconds, because never before come
to my mind sneaking my spoon in such subject.
	However I answered this way:- against
the two and for the two. Her reaction was sharp
and quickly; you are a politician, and walk away
like she did other times before.
	But I never had been a politician, and I
never will be. The truth is, I was elected 8 times
for one modest  slot in my town
government, but I never ask for a vote.
	Just happen that somebody ask me if I
would be available if they get enough signatures
to put my name in the ballot?
	Reluctantly I said yes and it cost me over
twenty years of free work and a few headaches.
Never understood the reason people vote for me;
but may be because my name was the longest in
the ballot. 
	I don't think this made me a politician
and I felt that I should explain the reason I
answered against the two and for the two.
	I'm against abortion because I'm for life,
but I feel that being against abortion shouldn't be
legislating against the rights of the women.
	I believe that if the effort and money spent
on that controversy against pro and contra, 
was spent in education, and helping the women
that find themselves pregnant, many times not 
affording a doctor and not knowing how they can rise 
a child that some times are condemned to an 
unsuccessful life from bird on; that would save 
more lives than any legislation the politicians could
	I for one still believe that no woman have
pleasure in having an abortion. Only do it as a last
resort, in confusion and uncertainty, deciding
between their health, their future, their well-being
and the future of a fetus that most of the times
they don't know the viability it will have in
surviving or in life.
	I for myself believe that we should help
and not impose, like Aristotle said the best way to
get happiness is giving happiness.


