The Portuguese Language is a Romance language, i.e., it comes from the vulgar Latin language. It has more than 170 millions speakers (more than 160 millions in Brazil), what gives it the status of the 7th most spoken language in the world. It’s the language of countries like Portugal (Europe), Brazil (South America), Angola, Mozambique (Africa). So, learning Portuguese is not an eccentricity.

            Its closest language is Galician, spoken in Galicia, Spanish region in the north of Portugal (in truth, Galician and Portuguese were the same language in the Middle Age, and split in the XIV century). Spanish is very close to Portuguese, too, which allows speakers of both languages in Latin America to understand each other sometimes, but in many times there is misunderstanding and embarrassment.


Accessing Audio Files


            This course’s audio files are all in the .mp3 format. Just click and wait for your MP3 program to open (it’s recommended that you choose not to save, just to open the file).

            Please put your sound volume as loud as possible, because of the bad and low sound recording.


Typing in special Portuguese characters


            Below, you see how to type special Portuguese language characters, both the Portuguese keyboard way (try this way first) and the  character code. Make sure to have the

Num Lock key turned on. Press the Alt key (left) and then type in the code (do not forget the 0 (zero).


á                      ‘ (acute accent)+ a                            Alt (left) + 0225 (number pad)

à                      ` (grave accent)+ a                            Alt + 0224

ã                      ~ (tilde) + a                                        Alt + 0227

â                      ^ + a                                                   Alt + 0226

é                     ‘ + e                                                    Alt + 0233

ê                     ^ + e                                                   Alt + 0234

í                       ‘ + i                                                     Alt + 0237

ó                     ‘ + o                                                    Alt + 0243

õ                     ~ + o                                                  Alt + 0245

ô                     ^ + o                                                   Alt + 0244

ú                     ‘ + u                                                    Alt + 0250

ü                     “ + u                                                   Alt + 0252

Á                     (just include the “shift” key)               Alt + 0193

À                                                                                Alt + 0192

à                                                                               Alt + 0195

                                                                                Alt + 0194

É                                                                                Alt + 0201

Ê                                                                                Alt + 0202

Í                                                                                 Alt + 0205

Ó                                                                               Alt + 0211

Õ                                                                               Alt + 0214

Ô                                                                               Alt + 0212

Ú                                                                                Alt + 0218

Ü                                                                                Alt + 0220

ç                                                                                Alt + 0231

Ç                                                                                Alt + 0199



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