Super Vicki

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Última modificação: 26 março, 2009





























Guia de Episódios


Nesta etapa da home-page o pessoal terá a relação de episódios de Super Vicki que foram produzidos. Com o passar do tempo eu irei acrescentando informações sobre eles. Para acessar os dados dos episódios, basta o internalta clicar no nome do episódio que quer saber, mas lembre-se, isso se o título dele estiver em vermelho.





1ª TEMPORADA (1985-86)

1. Vicki's Homecoming (Pilot)
2. Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
3. Robositter
4. Nerd Crush
5. Runaway Jamie
6. Lights! Camera! Ego!
7. White Lies
8. The Fearless Five
9. DisHonor Student
10. Vicki's Adoption
11. Child Prodigy
12. Brindles Move In
13. RoboBrat
14. Burrito Kings
15. Babes in the Woods
16. First Love
17. Substitute Dad
18. The Robot Nappers
19. The Birds, The Bees, and Robots
20. Teds Lay-Off
21. The Reluctant Halfback
22. Vaudeville Vicki
23. Health Nuts
24. Grandpa Lawson's Visit


2ª TEMPORADA (1986-87)

25. Root Beer, Women and Song
26. My Mom, The Teacher
27. Vicki for the Defense
28. Homeless Causes
29. The Hustle
30. Jamie's Older Woman
31. My Robot Family
32. The Wonder Worker
33. Have a Heart
34. Latchkey Dreams
35. Computer Dating
36. Smoker's Delight
37. On Her Own
38. Project Blender
39. Class Comedienne
40. Little Miss Shopping Mall
41. Victor/ V.I.C.I
42. Look into My Eyes
43. Pint-sized Pick-up
44. Community Watch and See
45. Here Kitty, Kitty!
46. Vicki GoodWrench
47. The Wedding

48. Wham-Bam-Body-Slam



3ª TEMPORADA (1987-88)

49. Vicki and the Pusher
50. The Strike
51. The Pool
52. Screaming Skulls
53. The Electric Potatoheads
54. Geisha Vicki
55. I Hear You
56. Haunted House
57. The Bad Seedling
58. My Living Doll
59. Fat's Where It's At
60. Bank Hostages
61. Breakfast of Criminals
62. Girl on the Milk Carton
63. The Bossy Daughter
64. Home Sweet Sale
65. The Russians Are Coming
66. In the Spirits
67. The Perfect Daughter
68. Earthquake Vicki
69. Ted's Dead
70. Big J, the D.J.
71. Safety First
72. How I Love Thee
73. The Cheater
74. Digital Love 






4ª TEMPORADA (1988-89)

75. Big J, Private Eye
76. School Monitor
77. More About L.E.S
78. Game Show
79. Jailbirds
80. I Dream of Vicki
81. Golddigging Ida
82. It's a Gas
83. Super Suds
84. Battle of the Sexes and Robot
85. Vicki and the Skyjacker
86. Luke and Ray
87. Vicki's Glasses
88. Double Dates
89. Vicki's Exposé
90. Dolittle Vicki
91. Radio Show
92. Pool Shark Vicki
93. Singing Telegram
94. The Rip-Off
95. My Favorite Martian
96. Hooray for Hollyweird!



















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© 1985/1989 Fox Broadcasting Company.